Wednesday, May 20, 2009


One thing at a time ~

I was on the phone with a friend discussing healthy choices he wants to incorporate in his life promoting Longevity & wellness. We discussed Lotions, personal hygiene, hair dyes and Deodorants. I would like to elaborate the subject of Deodorants.

Toxic Ingredients in Antiperspirant, Brain Health, and Alzheimer's

Aluminum, a common ingredient in deodorant and antiperspirant, is often linked to Alzheimer's and brain disorders and is a possible risk factor in breast cancer.

In a culture where being well-groomed and attractive are almost a necessity, dependence on deodorant and antiperspirant is a must. But few know the health hazards present in the everyday underarm cosmetic. Beyond the synthetic fragrances and toxic ingredients found in most personal care products, antiperspirant and deodorant are loaded with aluminum compounds that have been linked to Alzheimer's disease and brain disorders, respiratory disorders, and possibly cancer.

What is Aluminum? Aluminum is one of the most common elements in the environment and the world's most common metal. It is used in cans and aluminum foil, as lightweight sheet metal in airplanes and other machinery, in electrical wiring - and in personal care products such as underarm deodorant and antiperspirant. Aluminum oxide, also present in deodorants, is often used as a coating and is the major compound in rubies and sapphires.

Aluminum is a Toxin

  • In 1993, the World Health Organization said, "There is a suspected link between Alzheimer's disease and the toxicity of aluminum." (2)
  • The Agency for Toxic Substances and & Disease Registry reports that "Exposure to high levels of aluminum may result in respiratory and neurological problems."

Aluminum Compounds in Deodorant and Antiperspirant – Locking Poisons In: The problem with deodorants and antiperspirants is not only the aluminum, but how it works to reduce sweat and smelly odors.

Aluminum compounds or aluminum salts, such as aluminum oxide (Al2O3), are key ingredients in almost every antiperspirant. They are powerful astringents that close pores, stopping sweat and odor from escaping the body.

Antiperspirants may leave the outside of the body smelling fresh and clean – but inside, the toxins that would have escaped the body in the sweat have nowhere to go. For this reason, antiperspirants have been linked to problems with the sweat glands and lymph glands in and around the underarms.

I know what everyone is thinking “that natural stuff doesn’t work.”

Not True ~ I will mention that most people who use the Crystals are very happy but they compensate by shaving under their arms. The hair holds the moisture and odor so removing it cuts down wetness and smell.

And people, you are what you eat so if you are eating sugar, processed food, drink soda, smoke you will definitely smell. Your body is trying to get rid of the poisons.
Then I read: aluminum compound, such as aluminum chlorhydrate or aluminum zirconium, which is very soluble, is used as an antiperspirant, that compound is readily absorbed. Once in the body, the aluminum portion of the molecule ionizes, forming free or radical aluminum (Al+++). This passes freely across cell membranes, and forms a physical plug, that when dissolved is selectively absorbed by the liver, kidney, brain, cartilage and bone marrow. It is this concentration of aluminum that has been the source of concern in the medical community and has prompted the research being done on ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE and BREAST CANCER victims. Potassium alum molecules have a negative ionic charge, making it unable to pass through the cell wall. THEY ARE NOT ABSORBED. This is why our deodorants are safe to use and will not cause high levels of ALUMINUM in your system. ALUM and ALUMINUM are two different substances, with distinct chemical signatures. They possess different chemical properties which create different chemical attributes.

Sources: Anisman-Reiner, B.Sc., C.C.A., is a writer, a teacher in holistic health and energy healing, an aromatherapist, and an avid and opinionated reader.


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